Oct 31 2018
House/Family, Nakhon Phanom and more…
The first 1,5 week I didn’t biked because I was painting the wooden screen. We bought a piece of cloth to cover parts of the screen so the sun is more blocked. With Lazada (web shop) I ordered stainless steel water bottles because we were drinking from small plastic bottles and that not good for the environment and not good for our health.
Benz came home from Bangkok because of some days without work and without pay. He collected all his diploma’s and papers to apply with factories around Bangkok. After one week he went back to Bangkok and 2 days later he found a job at a company that makes computer chips. Piauw also came home but only for getting their car because the bus connections going to/coming back from work where not really good.
In October there were some extra days off for Siripron, so Saturday 13 October we went for a 2-day trip. First we drove to That Phanom to see the Temple there. Because that day it was also Thai remembrance for King Bhumibol there was a special ceremony with monks and many other people (the color of King Rama 9 was yellow). Siripron had a free lunch in the Temple but for me it was too spicy.
After lunch we went to “our” Fortune River View Hotel at the Mekong River in Nakhon Phanom. At the end of the day we went to see the statue of the Snake in the City Centre and our dinner was with May (the oldest daughter of brother Den and his wife Nong) and her boyfriend at a nice restaurant on the boulevard. The next morning after breakfast we walked a little in the hotel garden and after that we went back home because Benz was going to Bangkok… but there were no bus tickets left so he went the next day.
Other things that happened:
– I went again to Kham Ta Kla for my bread, sausages and frikandellen.
– After 4 weeks of drought we have got a few days with some rain showers.
– On 5 km from our home, in the direction of Sawang Daen Din, there is a new gas station with a 7-Eleven and an Amazon coffee shop who sells Dutch stroopwafels…
– This month Visa really stopped my Panda Credit card…
– 23 October remember King Rama 5, Chulalongkorn, the Great Beloved King. Siripron went to pay her respect at the Government of People in Sawang Daen Din.
– 24 October was the last Buddha Day of the 3 months with Buddha Days. Papa slept the last night at the Temple and there we fireworks in our village.
– We have send the motorbike of Benz to Bangkok so Benz can go to work easy.
– I’m still waiting on a message from Taxes in NL about my extra pension.
5 November 2018 @ 14:08
Hah, gaaaaf de stroopwafels, enjoy!!
Kus, liefs,