Feb 28 2017
House, Festival, 14 Feb and more…
For the house and garden not much happened. We only bought some new plants and changed some plants because they liked a place in the shade and not in the sun. This winter we did not have any really cold days, in the early morning it was sometimes 13 but in the daytime is was around 26-30 degrees Celsius. Here were almost no cloudy days and on Saturday 25 February we had our first rain in a long time and it was a big rain too.
On Saturday 11 February we had again a celebration of our part of the village. One day before Benz helped Wutti (the husband of Wannapa) with the preparation for his music. Saturday morning after giving rice to the passing monks we went to our Temple for a special service. In the morning we went to our festival area for the Temple lottery and the singers. In the afternoon Siripron had her turn on the money table (people had to pay their Temple gifts). In the evening there was again a movie marathon.
In Thailand they also celebrate Valentin’s Day so the boys and I did our best for “our” ladies. I bought for Siripron a big box of “Ferrero Rocher”, Benz ordered a “Kuma” bear for his girlfriend (Cha) and Both bought a big pink bear for Piauw. The ladies were very happy with their presents! On 26 February we went for a family dinner because of my Birthday the next day. Before the dinner I got a Birthday cake from Piauw & Both (this proves again how happy Both is with the step he took at the end of last year)!
For Chok Dee we tried to do a little different, we bind him sometimes for a while to a long rope/chain combination. It gives me a little more freedom and he is OK with it. He also got his fourth injection at the vet in Sawang Daen Din and we bought some special shampoo for him. Chok Dee walked in February one time again with the dogs of Supana & Jan – Trippel (one week older) and Duvel (one year older). Supana & Jan gave him another bone, this time is was a skull of a cow/ox.
Other things that happened:
– Our monthly visit to Kham Ta Kla for bread, sausages and frikandellen.–
– The planned Farang visit of the weekend of 11/12 February was canceled because some of the friends had obligations (private or job related).
– John Bridge & Tony (John’s son) visit us again on a Sunday afternoon.
– Both is enjoying his training as a hairdresser for men.
– On the Android box I watched “Wie is de Mol”, “Planet Earth 2”, “Floortje…”, “Reizen Waes” and some other Dutch/Belgium programs.
– My weight is around 95 kg, my blood pressure was 118/71 thanks to the pills.
28 February 2017 @ 17:34
Ahhh, great Birthday Cake, superbe!!!