Mar 31 2018
Life Insurance, ampur register and more…
For the house an uncle tried to fix our leaking rain pipes but the rain of the next day showed that they were still leaking (plastic rain pipes around the roof are not the best solution). The garden needed new plants because some old ones died or were not nice anymore, so we went to the big tree/plants/flower market to buy some new plants. At the end of March an air condition was installed in the bedroom of Both.
The building of the house of our neighbors on the other side of the street is going fast! In March they did the concrete columns, the steel roof, the concrete wall support beams, the concrete floor, they almost finished the walls of concrete blocks and they installed the old windows.
At the end of February a life insurance from The Netherlands was finished and because I live in Thailand I couldn’t do a new Insurance contract with them. That’s why they had to pay me the current value of the insurance. Unfortunately I had to pay Dutch taxes about the gross benefit but I will get the Dutch tax money back somewhere next year.
Monday, 19 March, Siripron went with me to the RD department in Sawang Daen Din to pay my Thai Taxes over 2017. After they seen my tax form from 2016 they made the new one and I had to pay 5.200 THB (5.000 THB Tax + 200 THB fine because I didn’t do a half year income report). One week later we pick-up a copy of the Tax report.
For my official register in the ampur Sawang Daen Din I was busy with getting a Birth Certificate from Haarlem (NL), legalized by the CDC in The Hague (NL) and legalized for use in Thailand by the Thai Embassy in The Hague (NL). My ex-wife Ellen was helping me with the sending of the letters in The Netherlands and a Visa Service in The Netherlands did the Thai Embassy NL step. In the beginning of April a Thai Visa Office will take care of the translation and the certification in Thailand.
Other things that happened:
– On 1 March was Makha Buddha day, one of the special Buddha days.
– With our insurance agent (Wiwat) we did a new Accident Insurance on my life.
– The Birthdays of Benz (20 on 4 March) and Both (18 on 10 March).
– We went again to Kham Ta Kla for bread, sausages and frikandellen.
– Wannapa, Warunee, Mudmee and Mudmai went with other schoolchildren on a short bus trip to the sea (Pattaya).
31 March 2018 @ 05:39
Glad I could help 🙂