The whole month of February we had 2 builders working for us. With some help they moved at first the cage of Chok Dee to the corner on the right side behind the house. After that they build a new carport at the back of our garden, costs including the new “road” cement about 37,500 THB (almost EUR 1,100).
The next step was closing 3 parts between the columns of the “old” carport (L-shaped), with a small window nearby the place for the gas stove. Then they build the concrete base of the kitchen. This base has 3 double doors, 2 open places (one for the gas tank and one for a trash bin), a lowered base for the gas stove and a top opening for the double sink. Because the base had to dry, they started with the floor tiling and the (low) wall tiling at the eating/sitting area & the tiling on the outside wall. February ended with placing the sink and the tiling of the kitchen base.
Feb 28 2025
Driving License, Building and more…
After 5 years it was again time to renew my Thai Driving License. I knew that I before had to watch an instruction video but I only found a part of the 4 videos. So when we arrived at the Sakon Nakhon Government of Transport I had to watch all 4 videos and then I got the approved QR code. For the validation of my address I had to go to Immigration because they didn’t accept my “yellow address book” anymore, So, to Immigration for a “Proof of address” and after that it was time to lunch, we went to the food court at the Robinson shopping mall. At 13:00 u. we were back at with all the right papers and 50 minutes later, after some tests (color/reaction time) and a official photo, I revied my again 5 year valid Thai Driving License.
The whole month of February we had 2 builders working for us. With some help they moved at first the cage of Chok Dee to the corner on the right side behind the house. After that they build a new carport at the back of our garden, costs including the new “road” cement about 37,500 THB (almost EUR 1,100).
The next step was closing 3 parts between the columns of the “old” carport (L-shaped), with a small window nearby the place for the gas stove. Then they build the concrete base of the kitchen. This base has 3 double doors, 2 open places (one for the gas tank and one for a trash bin), a lowered base for the gas stove and a top opening for the double sink. Because the base had to dry, they started with the floor tiling and the (low) wall tiling at the eating/sitting area & the tiling on the outside wall. February ended with placing the sink and the tiling of the kitchen base.
For the Virtual challenges I biked and walked in USA (Appalachian Trail), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), China (the long version of the Silk Road) and of course the year challenge (Conqueror 2025). In February I finished Austria (Vienna) and China (the short version of the Silk Road). In March I will start part 1 of 3 of “The Hobbit”, walking/steps the long version of “The Unexpected Journey”.
Other things that happened:
– We had to let them empty our septic tanks again.
– I had to cancel a lunch with 2 others because of a heavy cold/sore throat.
– The death and cremation of a brother of a colleague of Siripron.
– 12 February was Macha Bucha day (celebration of Buddha teaching).
– I did the “proof of life” for my Dutch Government pension by an phone App.
– Siripron had a flat tire with the motorbike of Both.
– Lunch at the German restaurant was with Rudi (Thailand).
– Doing the grass was more sucking-up the leaves this month.
– Siripron went with her co-workers to check people in other parts of Ban Thon.
– No Lego builds this month, so I have still 2 to go.
– February had some cold mornings with temps around the 16 degrees Celsius.
By Tim Kerssens • General info, House, Specials 0