New Year/Family, Nakhon Phanom and more…

Like every year many Thai went back to their home village for New Year. For our family Preaw & Both visited us and gave some presents, Benz was still here because of the cremation of Papa and from him & Fern we also get some gifts. Like every year we gave our neighbors, the co-workers of Siripron and family Dutch stroopwafels as a New Year gift. This year we bought different ones from “Yumi Stroopwafels”. On 6 January during a family dinner we said “goodbye” to Benz and the next day we brought him to Udon Thani for his flight to Bangkok and the next day he flew back to Taiwan.

On Saturday 4 January a big part of the family went to Nakhon Phanom for a short boat trip on the Mekong Riiver. During that boat trip we offered the remains of the “bones” of Papa to the river, together with many flowers. After that most of the family group went together for lunch and drove home. We, Siripron and I, went to a restaurant for lunch and after that back to “our” hotel to relax and in the evening we visited the Saturday market and had a nice dinner. Sunday morning after breakfast and a short walk we drove back home, with a stop at HomePro in Sakon Nakhon.

In January there were several administrative things to do for settle Papa’s affairs. Sirirpron and her sisters went to Government for his life insurance and Siripron had to close down a few bank accounts. Because we don’t have to eat at the house of Warunee we are now busy with planning the outside kitchen. Outside because we cook on gas and we don’t want to do that in the house. The plan is to move the cage of Chok Dee and the car will go to a new, to build, carport. We already bought some new kitchen stuff.

Other things that happened:
– Kham Ta Kla for lunch and our monthly order of sausages & bread.
– In the garden we cut some plants and trees.
– Chinese New Year, Benz in Taiwan was 9 days off.
– I build some “none” Lego things but not so much.
– Also the biking and walking for the virtual challenge went on, like normal.
– January had some cold mornings with temps around the 10 degrees Celsius.